The President of the Lisbon Geographical Society (SGL) and the Coordinator of MARE-ULisboa have the honor of inviting you and your Excellency's Family to participate in the conference of the Seminar on the Sea, in hybrid mode, on “The challenges of oceanography for the 21st century”. XXI”, which will be given by Dr. António Miguel Piecho-Santos (Coordinating Researcher at IPMA ─ Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera I.P. and President of APOCEAN ─ Associação Portuguesa de Oceanografia), on January 27, 2025 (Monday), starting at 3pm, at SGL's headquarters (R. das Portas de S. Antão, 100, in Lisbon).
15h00, Opening by the President of the Lisbon Geographical Society, Prof. Cat. Luís Aires-Barros.
15:05, “The present 6th conference cycle of the Seminar on the Sea dedicated to Strategy, Science and Sustainability”, President of the Geography of the Oceans Section, C.Adm.
Section, C.Alm. José Bastos Saldanha.
15h15, Conference on “The challenges of oceanography for the 21st century”, Dr. António Miguel Piecho-Santos (IPMA Coordinating Researcher and President of APOCEAN).
15:50, Debate.
16h35, Closing.
Link to the Zoom platform HERE
Meeting ID: 847 3516 1915 - Password: 859393