Between March 31 and May 2, the course “The change we need for the ocean we want - Ocean literacy with schools” will be held online. MARE is one of the coordinating bodies, with researchers Zara Teixeira and Ana Marta Gonçalves as trainers.
The course aims to increase teachers' capacity to communicate and teach about the ocean and make more informed decisions. It also seeks to enhance the role of teachers and educators as multipliers of this capacity, increasing the ability of students and school communities to transform knowledge into practical changes in behavior and attitude.
Ocean Literacy will be approached from the multi-perspective vision enshrined by UNESCO and is part of Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education), 6 (Drinking Water and Sanitation), 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action) and 14 (Protecting Marine Life) of the 2030 Agenda, and the challenges of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).
The course will provide knowledge and tools for the classroom, promoting critical thinking and understanding about the ocean, raising awareness about our daily relationship with the ocean and the impact our behaviors have on ocean sustainability. It is hoped that the students' experience will be transferred and adapted to formal educational contexts. This course is an action endorsed by the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).
Course contents (25h)
Module 1 (3.5h). Diving into Ocean Literacy
Module 2 (3.5h). The ocean from a historical and geographical perspective
Module 3 (5.5h). The ocean science we need for the future we want
Module 4 (4.5h). Be blue - what is sustainable blue and the value(s) of our ocean
Module 5 (7h). Autonomous work - translating LO knowledge into your teaching practice using local examples (group or individual)
Module 6 (1h). Online session for final discussion of the course and the work resulting from module 5.
For more information and to apply, click HERE