Vanessa Mendonça

Vanessa Mendonça's picture
MARE - ULisboa
Research domain: 
Coastal Systems and Ocean
Research lines: 
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Environmental Risk

Activity summary

Vanessa Mendonça was awarded a PhD, with Distinction and Honors, in Marine Biology, by the University of Lisbon. Her thesis was awarded 2nd place for Best PhD in Ecology Award 2020 SPECO (Portuguese Society of Ecology) and Amadeu Dias Foundation. She participated in multiple long-term scientific expeditions in Portugal and in Brazil. She is experienced in biodiversity surveys, taxonomy of coastal organisms, thermal and ecotoxicological experimental essays and food web networks analysis.


Gauzens, B., Rall, B. C., Mendonça, V., Vinagre, C., & Brose, U. (2020). Biodiversity of intertidal food webs in response to warming across latitudes. Nature Climate Change, 10(3), 264-269. Mendonça, V., Madeira, C., Dias, M., Vermandele, F., Archambault, P., Dissanayake, A., ... & Vinagre, C. (2018). What's in a tide pool? Just as much food web network complexity as in large open ecosystems. PloS one, 13(7), e0200066. Mendonça, V., & Vinagre, C. (2018). Short food chains, high connectance and a high rate of cannibalism in food web networks of small intermittent estuaries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 587, 17-30. Vinagre, C., Dias, M., Cereja, R., Abreu-Afonso, F., Flores, A. A., & Mendonça, V. (2019). Upper thermal limits and warming safety margins of coastal marine species–Indicator baseline for future reference. Ecological Indicators, 102, 644-649. Brose, U., Archambault, P., Barnes, A. D., Bersier, L. F., Boy, T., Canning-Clode, J., ... & Iles, A. C. (2019). Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems. Nature ecology & evolution, 3(6), 919-927. Vinagre, C., Madeira, C., Dias, M., Narciso, L., & Mendonça, V. (2016). Can stable isotopes be used to infer site fidelity of nekton in open coastal areas?. Ecological Indicators, 71: 175-180. Vinagre, C., Madeira, C., Dias, M., Narciso, L., & Mendonça, V. (2019). Reliance of coastal intertidal food webs on river input–Current and future perspectives. Ecological indicators, 101: 632-639. Mendonça, V., Vinagre, C., Boaventura, D., Cabral, H., & Silva, A. C. (2016). Chitons’ apparent camouflage does not reduce predation by green crabs Carcinus maenas. Marine Biology Research, 12(2): 125-132.