José Ângelo Guerreiro da Silva

José Ângelo Guerreiro da Silva's picture
MARE - ULisboa
Research domain: 
Coastal Systems and Ocean
Research lines: 
Governance and Literacy

Activity summary

He is Professor at the Department of Animal Biology, developing research in Environmental and Marine Governance.Teaches Environmental Law and Policy, Marine Governance and Conservation, Environmental Biology and Conservation. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Master in Ecology and Environmental Management and is the coordinator of the Masters in Environmental Management and Governance of Agostinho Neto University (Angola). He coordinates the Mare Startup entrepeneurship initiative.


PADDLE - Planning in a Liquid World with Tropical Stakes. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange - RISE PORTWIMS Portugal Twinning for innovation and excellence in marine science and Earth observation. H2020-WIDESPREAD-Twinning NIPOGES - Estado atual das populações de amêijoa-japonesa da Ria de Aveiro, lagoa de Óbidos e estuários do Tejo e Sado – bases científicas para uma gestão sustentável do recurso. Guerreiro, J.; Chircop, A.; Dzidzornu, D.; Grilo, C.; Ribeiro, R.; van der Elst, R.; Viras, A. (2011). The role of international environmental instruments in enhancing transboundary marine protected areas: An approach in East Africa. Marine Policy, Vol Guerreiro, J.; Chircop, A.; Grilo, C.; Viras, A.; Ribeiro, R.; van der Elst, R. (2010). Establishing a transboundary network of marine protected areas: Diplomatic and management options for the east African. Marine Policy, Volume 34, Issue 5, September José Ângelo Guerreiro da Silva, Raquel Curto Fernandes e Castro Ribeiro, Ana de Carvalho Cameira Mocinho Viras, Catarina Bentes Silva Grilo, (2012),"Transboundary MPAs: a challenge for the twenty-first century", Management of Environmental Quality: An Int • Ferreira, M., Silva, C., Fonseca, C., Pereira, M., Calado, H., Abreu, A., Andrade, F., Guerreiro, J., Gonçalves, E., Noronha, F., Lopes, C., Stratoudakis,Y., Ribeiro, M., Vasconcelos, L. (2015). Contributions towards maritime spatial planning • Rebelo, C. and Guerreiro, J. Comparative evaluation of the EIA systems in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Sauth Africa, Angola and the European Union. Journal of Environmental Protection (2017)