Coral Change” exhibition: when art and science merge to explore the future of corals

The “Coral Change” exhibition, on display at the King Carlos Museum of the Sea until June 8, 2025, is the result of a unique collaboration between ceramicist Catarina Nunes and the team of researchers from the Macroscope Lab led by Maria Dornelas from the University of St Andrews, CIENCIAS and MARE. 

Combining art and science, the exhibition highlights the resilience and vulnerability of coral reefs in the face of climate change. In this partnership, scientists also become part of the artistic process, creating videos and collaborating in the materialization of sculptures and poetic narratives. The three main installations bring together organic sculptures and scientific videos, creating an immersive experience for visitors.

The sculptures, produced in ceramic, address some of the threats that corals face, such as the loss of fluorescent algae and the destruction caused by cyclones, but they also bring hope by making known the potential for regeneration of these marine organisms.

“This exhibition goes beyond a simple scientific alert. It is also a celebration of the incredible capacity of reefs to be reborn, even after destructive events,” explains Maria Dornelas. For artist Catarina Nunes, the biggest challenge was reconciling the languages of art and science: “Despite the difficulties, the end result was enriching and brought new perspectives to everyone involved.”

The exhibition also offers an interactive component, with holograms showing the growth of corals over time. 3D models monitor the growth of coral colonies and include a pufferfish resting on a coral. Visitors can access these experiences using their cell phones to read the QR Codes scattered around the exhibition.

One of the highlights is the video documenting the change of a coral reef on Jiigurru Island in Australia between 2022 and 2024. The images show the impact of a heatwave that caused the corals to bleach, highlighting the differences in color and sound before and after the extreme weather event.

The team's aim is to continue this project in other locations, keeping alive the message of the importance of preserving marine ecosystems.

A visit to the “Coral Change” exhibition is an invitation to discover how art and science come together to inspire concrete action for the oceans.