CLIMAREST project aims to improve algae production

The CLIMAREST project aims to help reinforce algae cover in areas with a low density of macroalgae forests on the south coast of Madeira.  

In an interview with RTP Madeira, researcher João Monteiro explained how he wants to improve the production of algae available for restoring degraded rocky coastal environments. “We're working with two species, the cystoseira and one of the sargassum species native to the region,” he said.

Part of the process includes recruiting adult reproductive algae to the remaining populations. “Basically, we stir these algae in water so that the water is full of spores and gametes and then we place them on a surface to test whether or not they stick there,” explains the researcher.

If they manage to stick, these algae remain in the laboratory for 1 to 3 months, until they reach a size of 1 to 2 cm. Subsequently, the surface on which the algae is attached (which can be a stone or a tile) is introduced into nature. To do this, “model platforms” are used on which they are placed. 

This process can be quite time-consuming, so there is constant monitoring. “Every month we monitor both the algae that are on the modular platforms that we put there. Basically, it serves as a nursery, which is where we put the algae. And then we also monitor the surrounding area to see if or when there starts to be a positive effect on the surrounding area to also have algae,” says João Monteiro. “The aim is to see if we can get the algae there and for them to create a small community around that area.”

The team of researchers that is part of the project is also studying future possibilities to improve the production of algae available for restoration. “We had a team of four people at the European Ocean Days, where we were already pitching for future projects, and we've already started attracting partners for a new application for another project following on from this one,” concludes the researcher.